Introducing the FrameWork all Themes are built on!
Helix III FrameWork
The framework with endless possibilites. Design your Template layout with unlimited layout options and module positions. Add rows and columns as you wish to make your layout unique and unlike any other site with the drag and drop layout builder. Simply edit your module positions to suit your layout with any number of positions you like.
Responsive & Retina Ready
The Framework is super flexible, responsive, and comes packed with powerful options! We promise that your website will be self adjustable to the most popular screen resolutions, whether you watch it on laptop, tablet or phone, without the need for a separate layout or content. Get sharp and crystal clear images across all devices
Drag & Drop Layout Builder
With the very flexible visual layout manager (composer) for module positions built-in, decide about position, margins, size or displaying on mobile devices – just by changing options. Based on fluid grid system that appropriately scales up to 6 columns.
Megamenu Builder
Take full control over the appearance of your menu (size, width, align), choose icons for menu items and then use drag & drop add any Joomla! module into the current menu.
600+ Google Fonts
Typography is based on Google Fonts, with a unique update button, support for Subsets (like Latin Extended, Cyrillic Extended for example), choose font weight and font size for several HTML tags (H1..H6) body and navigation.
Made With Bootstrap 3
Flat design and mobile first front-end framework, which makes your site always responsive by default (from phones to tablets to desktops) with CSS media queries.
Retina Ready
Upload and use a double sized logo image (JPG, PNG, GIF) to keep looking great on higher resolution devices like retina or 5k display. All iPhone users will be grateful.
Logo Option
From the template settings you can choose your logo type, logo position, logo image (also for retina screens) and upload a logo that is used only for mobile devices.
Integrated Social Comments
Based on popular solutions IntenseDebate Comments system, Facebook comments or Disqus Comments – just turn on to enable comments inside articles.
Social Share
Use social share buttons to promote your content (articles) by users in popular social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google+).
Social Icons
Use all 11 or selected social icons to popular social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, Linkedin, Dribbble, Behance, YouTube, Flickr, VK (VKontakte) and Skype communicator.
Coming Soon Page
Enabling this mode creates a Coming Soon page and shows countdown timer and short message for website visitors, instead of the default offline mode. Inform your potential readers that you are working on something and soon it will be available.
FontAwesome 4.4
Helix3 include the complete set of over 670 icons, those scalable vector icons you can place just about anywhere with the i tag, also before menu items using MegaMenu Builder. You can customize their size, color, drop shadow, or any other thing with the power of CSS.
404 Page
Designed with a new appearance of the Joomla error page, where you can publish any module (like search module, menu or custom code module) using unique 404 module position.
Page Builder Integration
Helix3 is deeply integrated with SP Page Builder. Now Helix3 can automatically detect the SP Page builder page then it removes container from the layout to use a full width layout.
Post Formats
Built-in 6 post formats (video, gallery, audio, quote) allows you to create nice looking blog post without using additional extensions like K2 or EasyBlog.
Unlimited Colors
Several template settings allows you to choose your own colors. Beyond that using custom CSS allows you to override all used color presets.
Built With Less
Helix3 was based on less a preprocessor with additional functionality like variables, mixins, and functions for compiling CSS.
CSS & Javascript Compression
Simple to use options to compress almost all CSS and JS template and Joomla files, which as a result will improve speed up of your website.
Custom Code
Use your own custom code, for example: CSS, JS, metatags, links and verification code by using the custom code fields or input more lines of styles inside custom.css file.
Fluid and Boxed Layout
Use wide (default) or boxed layout variant. Second option allows you to use custom background image without editing or adding custom CSS code – all settings have easy usage.
Sticky Header
Improve your website usability using Sticky Header feature. Main menu and logo will always be at the top of the screen, automatically following when user will scroll down. Easily turn the sticky header on or off in template options panel.
RTL Ready
Framework supports middle eastern languages such as Hebrew and Arabic which are written predominantly right-to-left. Using clone of template you can also interchange module positions, which can help you with logo and menu position.
Responsive Design
framework offers a fully responsive web design (RWD) by default, which makes pages that look great on any device screen size from desktops and tablets to smartphones with CSS media queries. One site for every screen.
There are four predefined preset major colors to use for your template.
These are easily definable for you to choose your custom color.
Background Color
Text Color
Major Color
Dropdown Background Color
Dropdown Text Color
Presets will vary from template to template.
These are easily definable for you to choose your custom color.
Background Color
Text Color
Major Color
Dropdown Background Color
Dropdown Text Color
Presets will vary from template to template.
MegaMenu Builder
The drag and drop MegaMenu configuration is simple and easy to use. Add any module or custom module to the menu you want. Multiple layout options for this MegaMenu will give you the ability to make your menu as unique as the layout of the site. With FontAwesome icon options you can make your links stand out.
Post Formats
These are the 7 post formats for blog or article to choose from.
Featured image is also abailable to choose.
Featured image is also abailable to choose.
With this drag and drop builder you can build every page on your site if you desire. Fully configurable rows and columns with over 40 addons!
accordion, ajax_contact, alert, animated_number, articles, audio, blocknumber, blockquote, button, button_group, call_to_action, carousel, carouselpro, clients, divider, dropcap, empty_space, facebook_like, facebook_likebox, feature, flickr, gallery, gmap, gplus_button, icon, image, image & content, modal popup, module, person, pie_progress, pricing table, progress_bar, raw_html, soundcloud, tab, testimonial, testimonialpro, text_block, tweet, twitter_share, and video... And More
accordion, ajax_contact, alert, animated_number, articles, audio, blocknumber, blockquote, button, button_group, call_to_action, carousel, carouselpro, clients, divider, dropcap, empty_space, facebook_like, facebook_likebox, feature, flickr, gallery, gmap, gplus_button, icon, image, image & content, modal popup, module, person, pie_progress, pricing table, progress_bar, raw_html, soundcloud, tab, testimonial, testimonialpro, text_block, tweet, twitter_share, and video... And More